Media reports on the Network
Outreach by Network Participants:Public talks (view)Popular articles (view)Blogs (view)Interviews (view) Performances (view) Books (view)
_________________________________________________________________________________Media reports on the Network
BLUEPRINT: The newsletter of the
University of Oxford,
5 Oct 2006
____________________________________________________________________________________________________Public talks by Network Participants
National "Fete de la science",
France, November 2009
Daniel Albornoz gave a public lecture on
”astronomie particulierement cosmique” (cosmic rays)
Julien Lesgourges gave a public lecture in a
colloquim of philosophy “Formes et Origines de l’Univers”
Julien Lesgourges gave several lectures on
cosmology for visiting high-school teachers and architecture students
University of Savoie, Chambery,
Celine Boehm gave a public lecture “Amphi pour
Public Conference From Galaxies to Quarks, France, 12-18 November 2009
Pierre Salati gave the following lectures “in
search of the invisible in Annecy
in the frame work of Amphitéâtre pour Tous”, “in search of the invisible
in Nantes” (invited by the Société Astronomique de Nantes) and “in
search of the invisible in Evian” (invited by the Hadron Collider
Physics Symposium).
Public Conference on the Time in the Universe, Lyon, France, 7 April 2010
Pierre Salati gave a lecture titled “Le temps
de l'univers” (invited by l'Université Ouverte de Lyon).
Café, Chambéry, France, 8 April 2010
Pierre Salati gave a lecture on the subject of
the Matter (la matière).
Conference From Galaxies to Quarks, France, 22 June 2010
Pierre Salati gave a lecture titled “in search
of the invisible in Saint-Jorioz” (invited by the 11ème rencontre des
mécaniciens du CNRS).
Public lecture : “L’Universo
invisibile: il problema della materia ed energia oscure” (The invisible
Universe: the problem of dark matter and dark Energy), Bari, Italy, 1 Oct 2009
A. Masiero gave the lecture
in a plenary section of the annual meeting of the
Italian Physical Society (SIF) open to the general public.
Public Lecture at the Santa
Maria di Sala Astronomers' club, Venice, Italy, entitled “From the
infinitely big to the infinitely tiny",
June 2009
A. Riotto gave this lecture.
A. Riotto gave this lecture.
Annual Meeting of the British
Astronomical Association, Shrewsbury,
April 2010
Presented (invited) talk titled: “Where galaxies really come from” given
by Konstantinos Dimopoulos
Lecture to School 6th formers
on Supernovae, Lancaster, UK,
various dates in 2010
Given by Rose Lerner.
Local schools outreach,
Rutherford alpha-scattering demonstrations, Lancaster, UK, various dates in 2010
Given by Francesca Doddato.
14-18 June 2010
Prof. Juan Garcia-Bellido participates in the Summer courses of the
Menendez Pelayo
University (UIMP) with the talk "Cuando el universo media menos de un
(When the Universe was less than one centimetre long)
on Particle Physics Masterclass 2010,
26 February 2010.
IFT participates in this event, orientated to high school students, in
which students learn basic concepts about particle physics and perform
measurements on real data from particle physics experiments at CERN
Two lectures for the general
public were given by David Cerdano and Carlos Munoz at this event.
European Week of Astroparticle Physics,
10-17 October 2009
Two lectures for the general
public were given by David Cerdano and Carlos Munoz at this event.
A las puertas del proyecto.
LHC Talk for a general audience by Prof. Alberto Casas. Aula Magna of
the Sciences Faculty at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (13:30h).
3 November 2009
Talk for a general audience by
Prof. Alberto Casas. "El LHC y la frontera del conocimiento",
"From Newton to the LHC" CIUP Paris, May 3rd 2010.
Pablo Roig & Jose Miguel No,
General public talk given at the "College d'Espagne".
'Cosmology and the LHC', September 2009
Julien Lesgourgues and
Pierre Bientruy are organised this public outreach conference held in
GERN globe, Geneva.
Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, July 2009
Roberto Trotta
exhibited at this event.
Oxford University Summer School for Adults, UK,
11 - 18 July 2009
Roberto Trotta gave a lecture entitled "The Big Bang - the Facts, the
Science, and some Fiction"
University, UK,
April 2009, 17 June 2009
Learner (Lancaster) gave a talk titled "Supernovae: Shedding light on
the mysteries of the Universe" for A-level physics students on an
'enrichment day'.
Science for Fiction Workshop for Science fiction writers, Imperial
College, London, UK,
June 2009
Roberto Trotta lectured at this event.
Bialystok, Poland, June 2009
M.Demianski gave a lecture on "Learning about the Universe" for
secondary school pupils
Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington,
15 May 2009
Roberto Trotta gave a lectures entitled "Does the Universe need
Kassel High School (Germany),
May 2009
Roberto Trotta gave two lectures entitled "The visible Universe" and
"The invisible Universe"
'particle physics, cosmology and the LHC', October 2008 - May 2009
John Ellis (CERN)
has given 18 public lectures and colloquia across the globe during this
period including: Uppsala, Slovenia, Illinois, Bonn, Padova and more.
Valdivai, Chile Instytut for Advanced Studies, April 2009
M. Demianski gave a lecture titled "The Dark side of the Universe"
XIII Ciclo de Conferencias Humanidades, Ingenieria y
Arquitectura, Madrid, Spain, 11 March 2009 C. Munoz gave a talk titled ‘ What is the Universe made of? (from elementary particles to dark matter)
Green Templeton College, Oxford,
3 Mar 2009
International Year of Astronomy Public Lecture by S.
Sarkar on “Seeing
the Edge of the Universe”
Association of Science Students, Siglio XXI, UAM,
18 February 2009 C. Munoz gave a talk titled ‘ What is the Universe made of? (from elementary particles to dark matter)
National Science Days in Helsinki,
7-8 January 2009 Kari Enqvist gave two talks at the Science Days, which is a major event that takes place every second year with an integrated attendance level of more than 10000 people.
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai,
22 Dec 2008 International Physics Olympiad lecture by S. Sarkar on “Seeing the Edge of the Universe”
D. Cerdeno gave a Colloquium for a general audience,
part of the Red de Arte Joven de la
Comu- nidad Autonoma de Madrid
(Young Artists Network sponsored
by Madrid local Government). Caf´e el Despertar,
"LHC - How does it work?", 21 Nov 2008
Popular lectures by Z. Lalak and B. Grzadkowski were
given at this event and exhibition at the Politechnika Warszawska.
University, Sweden,
7-8 Oct 2008
Gustafsson (INFN) gave a talk for a public lecture on 'Universums mörka
hemlighet' as a part of the yearly 'Forskardagarna'.
Williams College, October 2008
M. Demianski gave a lecture "The Planck Mission"
Festival of Science, Warsaw, Sep 2008 Zygmunt Lalak (Warsaw) gave a talk on “Particle Physics in the Quest for Structure of the Universe”.
Excellence programme of the Spanish Government, 19-23 May + 16-18 June 2008 Sarben Sarkar (KCL) gave an invited course on “Advanced Cosmology”.
CERN, Switzerland, 5 Jun 2008 Julien Lesgourgues (Annecy) lectured on "Cosmology and Astroparticules Physics" to a group of visitors at CERN from the American Museum of Natural History, New York.
Annecy, France, 30 May 2008 Richard Taillet (Annecy) gave a public lecture on "Anti-matiere et astrophysique".
Green College, Oxford, UK, Mar 2008 Roberto Trotta (Oxford) gave a talk on “The dark sector of the Universe - Clever ways of observing invisible stuff” – in the ‘Astronomy for all’ lecture series.
Astrophysics Department, Oxford University, UK, Mar 2008 Roberto Trotta (Oxford)
gave a talk “The dark side of the Universe - Uncovering the nature of
the dark matter and dark energy in the cosmos” to students from a Dutch
school. Oxford University, UK, Mar 2008 Roberto Trotta (Oxford) gave a talk on “The invisible Universe - Hunting down the mysterious dark matter” in the ‘National Particle Physics Masterclass 2008’ for schools.
Dept of Continuing Education, Oxford University, UK, Summer 2008 Roberto Trotta (Oxford) gave a 10 week course for the general public on “The Big Bang and Beyond - An introduction to observational cosmology”.
University of Bristol, 30 Jan 2008 Subir Sarkar (Oxford) gave a talk on “Seeing the edge of the universe” to the Student Physics Society ‘Chaos’.
Helsinki, Finland, 29 Jan 2008 Hannu Kurki-Suonio (Helsinki) gave a talk on “The Planck satellite project” in a lecture series of Kirkkonummen Komeetta, an amateur astronomical society.
Annecy, France, 23 Nov 2007 Richard Taillet (Annecy) gave a public lecture on "L'astronomie de Copernic a nos jours".
Vantaa, Finland, 11 Nov 2007 Hannu Kurki-Suonio (Helsinki) gave a talk on the Planck satellite project in the Space 2007 exhibition, Aviation Museum.
Dept of Continuing Education, Oxford University, UK, 6 Oct 2007 Roberto Trotta (Oxford) gave a course (with Prof B Carr) on “Universe or Multiverse?”
Oxford University Space and Astronomy Society, Oxford, UK, Oct 2007 Dr Roberto Trotta (Oxford) gave a talk titled "The dark sector of the Universe - Clever ways of observing invisible stuff ".
BA Festival of Science,
York, UK, 13 Sept 2007
Bedford School,
Bedford, UK,
Feb 2007
Cherwell High School,
Oxford, UK, 17 Jan 2007
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
25 Jan; 19 Mar; 17,19, 24 & 26 April; 18 & 24 May; 5 Jun 2007
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
9 May, 2 Nov, 16 Nov, 30 Nov, 15 Dec 2006
Gonville Primary School, Thornton Heath, Surrey, UK, 10 Nov 2006
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________Popular articles by Network ParticipantsScintillations the journal of IRFU – ‘L’espace et le temps en cosmologie’ article by C. Caprini (Saclay) . No. 79, France, June 2009.
a cosmic perspective” (In Greek) An article by ESR G. Rigopoulos on the double celebration of 2009 as the International Year of Astronomy as well as Darwin Year. It appeared in the wide circulation Athens Newspaper “Eleftherotypia” (Ελευθεροτυπία) on 16 Apr 2009. An English version will be sent to the English language Helsinki newspaper “Helsinki Times” in Autumn 2009.
New Scientist Is dark energy getting weaker? An article featuring a paper by UniverseNet ER Arman Shafieloo which examines a newly released catalogue of supernova explosions, including a number of relatively recent blasts nearby. The new data made the best fit with a universe in which dark energy is losing strength (www.arxiv.org/abs/0903.5141). New Scientist, issue 2703, 11 April 2009, article written by R. Courtland.
Les Dossiers de la Recherche (France) - "Neutrinos: temoins invisibles du Big Bang" Article by Julien Lesgourgues in a special issue, May 2009
m i +d – Imperfect symmetries and broken symmetries Article about 2008 Nobel Prixe awards in Physics, A. Casas, November 2008.
Ciel et Espace, France, October 2008 ‘Dark Matter: the elixir of long life for stars’ by F. Locco (Saclay)
Sky & Telescope ‘Dark Stars’ by F. Locco (Saclay)
Clefs du CEA ‘Theory of Dark Matter’ by M. Cirelli and C. Bonvin (Saclay)
El Pais – The asymmetries of Nature Article about 2008 Nobel Prize Awards in Physics, B. Gavela, October 2008.
The Australian – ‘Particle surge lights up dark matter’ features the work of M. Cirelli (Saclay), September 2008.
The Times Online – ‘Pamela the space smartypants thinks she’s found dark matter’ features the work of M. Cirelli (Saclay), September 2008.
COLLAPSE magazine Dark Matter: Probing the Arche-Fossil - A conversation with the philosophical magazine COLLAPSE. An interview with Roberto Trotta (Oxford). Collapse, II (March07), R. MacKay (Ed).
The anthropic principle:
Interview with John Barrow
Cosmologists scoop
Nobel Prize for Physics
Does the Universe need humankind?
Dark Matter: Probing the Arche-Fossil
Dmitry Podolsky maintains a popular physics blog: www.nonequilibrium.net. The blog currently belongs to top 200000 list of the internet. The audience of the blog includes more than 400 postdoctoral researchers, undergraduate and graduate students.
D. Podolsky also publishes Twitter feed
mainly devoted to discussion of recent news in theoretical physics. The
feed is currently 4th most popular feed in
Interview of Prof. Alberto Casas for the Spanish RTVE. A.Casas
explains the LHC. 30 March 2010.
materia oscura se escapa por poco. Prof. Carlos Munoz is interviewed
for the newspaper "Publico", 19 December 2009.
De que esta hecho el Universo?. Prof. Carlos Mu~noz
is interviewed for Onda Regional de Murcia. 2 December 2009.
"Ensenar fisica pueder ser
muy sencillo con la ayuda de heroes de comics o peliculas" by David
G. Cerdeno. Collaboration and interview for the spanish RTVE. 13
November 2009.
"Realment no sabem on es el limit del poder explicatiu dela ciencia".
Prof. Alberto Casas is interviewed for the newspaper "Emporda". 8
December 2009.
“Dark matter may be building up
in the Sun” Report on our work in Wired Magazine, 9 July 2010,
Plus Magazine -
“Lambda marks the spot — the biggest problem in theoretical physics”
S. Sarkar was interviewed by the
Millenium Mathematics Project for the article in Plus Magazine.
ScienceNews (USA) interviewed M. Cirelli (Saclay) in their article “PAMELA may have spotted the dark stuff”, September 2008.
Cosmos Magazine interviewed M. Cirelli (Saclay) in their article “Are scientists about to explain dark matter?”, September 2008.
Scientific American interviewed M. Cirelli (Saclay) in their article “Does Dark Matter Encircle Earth?”, January 2009
Nature interviewed M. Cirelli (Saclay) in their article “Physicists aflutter about data photographed at conference”, September 2008
Christophe Grojean (CERN) has been interviewed by the Television Suisse Romande for a program on CERN and the LHC. Anupam Majumdar (NBI) was interviewed by the New Scientist and they covered our work here. January 2008. Anupam Majumdar (NBI) was also interviewed by Physorg. January 2008.
Subir Sarkar (Oxford) was filmed for the multimedia exhibits at the new Space Galleries at Royal Greenwich Observatory, Dec 2007.
A physics show
performed by students for kids: From mechanics to elementary particle
physics S. Sarkar participated in a public debate on "The Fate of the Universe: Does dark energy exist?", Imperial College, London, 22 Jul 2009
El LHC y la frontera de la F´ısica. 136 pag. Book by A. Casas. Series: What do we know about ...? Catarata & CSIC Editors ISBN 978-84-00-08819-4.
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Last updated: 28 November 2010
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