The second network school and meeting Oxford, UK 22 to 26 September 2008 |
School Programme |
The following lectures were arranged for the morning sessions: Jenni Adams (Christchurch): The standard Big Bang cosmology Lars Bergstorm (Stockholm): Dark matter and its detection Wilfried Buchmuller (DESY Hamburg): Field theory - the Standard Model and beyond Sergio Colafrancesco (ASI-ASDC): High energy astrophysics Joe Conlon (DAMTP Cambridge): Cosmological aspects of string theory abstract Sacha Davidson (IPN Lyon): Neutrino mass and leptogenesis Amol Dighe (TIFR Mumbai): Neutrino oscillations and supernovae Hiranya Peiris (IoA Cambridge): Inflation and the cosmic microwave background abstract Each topic had 2 lectures of 45 min + 15 min discussion. In the afternoons there were short talks of 12+3 min by young researchers - the selection was been made by the Organisers from the submitted abstracts. Those who could not be offered a speaking slot were invited to contribute a poster (and made a brief oral presentation in the poster inauguration session on the opening day). Special talks ended the session every afternoon: Alan Barr: The startup of the LHC Marco Cirelli: New particles as dark matter Joseph Silk: Challenges in astroparticle physics
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Joe Conlon (DAMTP Cambridge): Cosmological aspects of string theory My two lectures will discuss the cosmological aspects of the moduli fields that occur in string theory generically and ubiquitously. I introduce moduli and explain their potential uses for inflationary model building. I describe the moduli (Polonyi) problem that afflicts the thermal computation of WIMP dark matter, the tension in string models between inflation and low-energy supersymmetry and possible observational consequences of moduli as part of dark matter. Hiranya Peiris (IoA Cambridge): Inflation and the cosmic microwave background In the first lecture, I will review the physics of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and how precision observations of the CMB can be used to obtain information about the initial conditions, constituents, and dynamics of the universe. In the second lecture, I will discuss the fundamentals of the inflationary paradigm, including background dynamics and the origin of perturbations, and highlight what we have learned about the big picture of inflation using measurements of the CMB. Both lectures will be pedagogical/general rather than specialised, at the level of Scott Dodelson's excellent text book, "Modern Cosmology" (2003, Elsevier).
Short talks by young researchers TALKS - Titles & Abstracts "here" POSTERS- Titles & Abstracts "here"
Photos credit: Derek Langley For all administrative and general enquiries please contact our administrator
Last updated 16 October 2008 |